Photo sessions - reviews from my clients

I can talk all day about how photo shoots in my Warsaw atelier go and what emotions they evoke. However, what is much more valuable is what women who have experienced them themselves think about them. Each photo session is different in its own way, but is also based on the same values: understanding, openness, authenticity and safety. It’s remarkable to me that so many women take away so much more from their photo shoot than the sensual photographs.

Osoba z białą peruką ozdobioną kwiatami, wzorzystym gorsetem i biżuterią z pereł trzyma różową różę blisko twarzy.

In addition to being a great photographer, Emilia also creates a wonderful working atmosphere. The whole thing is done in such a friendly environment that even the most complicated “dreams and wishes” are carried out quickly and smoothly. She is able not only to advise well, but also LISTENS. I would definitely recommend her and will be back for another session.

Małgorzata P.

About the photo shoot: We wanted to capture the fabulous atmosphere of rococo, hairstyle, pastel dress with a rack, suitably decadent scenery and makeup were important.

The session at Emilia’s was a magical and wonderful experience for me. I had a phenomenal time in a wonderfully created atmosphere. Emilia fosters a wonderful, balanced aura of professionalism and empathy around her. She was able to take excellent care of me and make me feel at ease and like I was ‘among old friends’ and not with a person I had just met. I sincerely recommend everyone who wants a phenomenal session and the company of a charming person, which is Emilia 🙂 I highly recommend her to everyone!

Hanna G.

About the photo shoot: In the photographs, we wanted to convey a Slavic atmosphere in the style of The Witcher. Hanna created the character she played during the session in front of my lens.

Kobieta ma długie brązowe włosy, białą koszulę i gorsetową bluzkę. Patrzy w dal.
Osoba niskorosła w niebieskiej bieliźnie i bordowym peniuarze. Ma niebiesko-fioletowe krótkie włosy. Uśmiecha się i jest podświetlona dramatycznym scenicznym światłem.

A visit to Emilia was a turning point in my life. After years of hiding behind posed selfies, covering up flaws and imperfections, I came to a place that reminded me of my femininity. To a person who surrounded me with tenderness, gentleness and gave me a lot of courage. She listened attentively to my ideas and tossed in a few of her own. In the end, she showed me myself in a whole new light. And I fell in love with myself all over again 🙂 This is definitely not my last visit, because every woman deserves such a session.

Ola P.

About the photo shoot: Ola needed a photo shoot for the promotional materials of her stand-up tour. The inspiration for the photos came from the great divas of the cabaret.

I highly recommend a session with Emilia! Not only were the results beyond my wildest expectations, but the atmosphere and the level of preparation at the session were perfect! A million times yes.

Nika Ż.

About the photo shoot: With Nika, we wanted to recreate the painterly atmosphere of the moon goddess in the photographs.

Osoba z długimi rudymi włosami stoi na ciemnym, dramatycznym tle przypominającym wzburzone morze. Osoba nosi delikatny złoty łańcuszek z błyszczącymi ozdobami i trzyma złote jabłko. Oświetlenie rzuca mistyczny, eteryczny blask.
Osoba o rudych włosach leży na ciemnozielonym materiale, częściowo przykryta pomarańczowo-złotym materiałem. Jej ramiona są wyciągnięte nad głową, a na prawym udzie ma duży kwiatowy tatuaż. Scena ma artystyczną i kameralną atmosferę.

This was my first professional photo shoot. I had been looking for a long time for someone who creates beautiful photos from which you can read a story. Emilia is not only a talented photographer, but also a very understanding person. I felt comfortable during the session, although I had previously feared that my lack of experience in posing would be some significant obstacle. It was worth driving 500 kilometres for these beautiful photos.

Ania L.

About the photo shoot: Ania’s boudoir session was inspired by the opulent and sensual 1920s.

Absolutely wonderful session! I felt beautiful like never before! Emilia “feels the posing person”, she knows how to show a person in the most beautiful way.

Katarzyna G.

About the photo shoot: We dreamed of soft morning light and painterly shades of pink and peach to set the tone for Kasia’s photographs.

Kobieta z długimi włosami leży na boku na różowej aksamitnej sofie, częściowo pokrytej przezroczystym różowym materiałem. Pomieszczenie jest delikatnie oświetlone, a wokół porozrzucane są kwiaty i płatki, które tworzą intymną i romantyczną atmosferę. Kobieta trzyma przy piersi różowy kwiat.
Kobieta z falowanymi włosami ma na sobie efektowną czerwoną cekinową sukienkę bez pleców i dopasowane długie czerwone rękawiczki. Stoi na ciemnym tle, a za nią znajdują się dwa jasne światła, rzucające dramatyczny blask. Kobieta ma dłonie na biodrach.

Emilia Lyon is undoubtedly one of a kind, and I thank fate that allowed us to run into each other. I have never met a photographer who, like Emilia, can enchant with her finesse in capturing perfect frames, romanticism of concepts and sensitivity, while maintaining such a work culture, punctuality and full professionalism. The relaxed atmosphere in the studio allows energy and creativity to flow freely, and Emilia’s caring approach makes concepts such as embarrassment, restraint and lack of confidence disappear. If you’re looking for a photographer who will see your inner spark and tell a magical story about it with photos, put yourself in Emilia’s hands – you’ll thank yourself for it.

Maria Ł.

About the photo shoot: Maria’s photo shoot was to be in the style of Old Hollywood Glamour, full of decadence, moodiness and stage charisma.

I recommend Emilia wholeheartedly!!! Each session made by Emilka is not only really professional and skillful, but also a fresh look and surprising solutions that result in unique effects! For me, she is a true genius who inspires my constant admiration for her creative work! She is also an absolute icon of boudoir and burlesque photography.

Lily Frou

About the photo shoot: We regularly work with Lily in my studio. You could say that Lily is my Muse. One of our recent photo shoots was inspired by Tamara Lempicka.

Kobieta w plisowanej beżowej sukience siedzi na stołku. Za nią są kanciaste kształty w stylu art deco. Zdjęcie jest w stylu Tamary Łempickiej.
Kobieta z podniesionymi do góry rękoma stoi przy oknie w liliowym peniuarze obszytym piórami.

Meeting with Emilia is a real feast of everything that is important to a woman. The beauty of the meticulously prepared set, gorgeous outfits and the gentleness of the photographer makes the session an unforgettable experience. The beautiful photos are the icing on the cake!

Beata R.

About the photo shoot: Beata wanted to do an ultra-feminine, sensual shoot in beautiful saturated colours.

I RECOMMEND SHOOTING WITH EMILIA WITH ALL MY HEART! The images I received from the session were really unique :). Emilia is one of the few artist-photographers who completely and in every detail gives herself to her work. She created and transported me during our session (literally) to Neverland. And as it is in Neverland – it is inhabited by fairies, mermaids and many other magical beautiful creatures. I recommend 10/10.

Paula N.

About the photo shoot: The inspiration for the shoot was a variation on Marie Antoinette with a touch of fantasy and a hint of decadence.

Kobieta w klejnotowym gorsecie w kształcie serca. Stoi w pastelowej scenerii i porusza dwoma białymi wachlarzami z jedwabiu.
Osoba pozuje dramatycznie na ciemnym tle, ubrana w ekstrawaganckie, obszerne, brązowo-pomarańczowe, marszczone nakrycie z tiulu. Jedna ręka uniesiona do czoła, tworząc uderzającą i teatralną prezencję. Wokół osoby są gałęzie i grzyby.

Emilia creates a relaxed and friendly atmosphere while working. Each session is unique, refined and tailored to a mutually agreed upon plan. Creativity is the domain of this artist- she is involved in every detail of the session, from concept creation, styling and set design, to lighting and the photographs taken, along with post-production. When you decide to work with Emilia, you become a character in her ethereal fairy tale; you are dealing with a true creator – it’s not a craft job copying the same shots with each client. You can feel beautiful, feminine and special.

Kim N.

About the photo shoot: We had an unusual theme for the session – it was all about… mushrooms! Their interesting shapes and textures. The second inspiration for the photos was Alice in Wonderland..

Emilia has an incredible artistic sensibility, and a session with her is a wonderful experience in itself. She is a professional who transforms inspiration and emotion into photographs in collaboration with her clients. Emilia’s studio features a myriad of set pieces, accessories and boudoir outfits – which allow her to create absolutely unique sets.

Marta S.

About the photo session: At the session I created an aesthetic of delicate watercolour portraits, a dreamy moment full of pleasure.

Kobieta leży na pastelowej narzucie, ma kwiat we włosach i białą delikatną bieliznę. Dotyka swoich włosów i twarzy. Ma rude włosy i zamknięte oczy.

How about you? What kind of photo shoot are you dreaming about? Are you ready to play?

I am here for your comfort so you can focus on yourself. With the respect, mindfulness and freedom you need to feel perfect in your sensuality! No matter what our inspiration is for your photo shoot – you can be sure that I will make sure you feel confident and comfortable.

Blondynka z krótkimi włosami, ubrana w ciemnoczerwoną sukienkę i trzymająca aparat, siedzi na różowej kanapie. Uśmiecha się i patrzy w górę, a w tle na ścianie wiszą oprawione w ramki zdjęcia.

Trust me and let's talk about your needs and dreams.

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